Saturday, April 24, 2010

Create a simple but creative graphic typography wallpaper design


In this tutorial we will be creating a very simple but creative typography wallpaper using photoshop.

There are many creative individuals who are wanting to become graphic designers everyday. Well today is your lucky day! In this tutorial we will be creating a very simple but creative typography wallpaper using photoshop.

Step 1

Create new document 1200px x 800px 72dpi. Background Color #efdcb4
Create new document

Step 2

Now import or drag the old paper image onto your photoshop canvas.
drag paper
Now go to Filter>>Lighting effect>> Style: soft omni, Light type:Omni,intensity:39, Gloss:-41, Material:-36, Exposure:-8, Ambience:-44, and Texture Channel:none.
paper light
Repeat 3-4 times.
paper done

Step 3

Select the type tool font: AvantGarde-Demi, Size:150px, Smooth, color:#4d1a1b and create the word one.

Step 4

Select the type tool again Size:220px, color:#2b2b2b and create the word Mind. After you have created the word Mind make sure the M connects to E using the move tool. Zoom in if needed.

Step 5

Select the type tool Size:35px, color:#ffffff, opacity:50%, and create the word to. Place word right below mind.

Step 6

Select the type tool Size:150px, color:#2b2b2b, and create the word Create. Place word to left under the word to(Hope that was not confusing).

Step 7

Select the type tool Size:200px, color:#381414, and create the word Designs. Place word to bottom right of canvas.

Step 8

Select the rectangle tool Color:#4d1a1b, and create a rectangle from the O in ONE to the top of the canvas.

Step 9

Select the rectangle tool color:#2b2b2b, and create a rectangle from the D in Mind to the right of the canvas.
Right click on rectangle layer>>blending options>>gradient overlay. blendmode:normal, opacity:100, Style:linear,
Angle:0, and Scale:100%.
Double click on graident bar. Left color:#2b2b2b, Right color:#191919.

Step 10

Select the rectangle tool color:#381414, and create a rectangle from the D in Designs to the left of the canvas.
Right click on rectangle layer>>blending options>>gradient overlay. blendmode:normal, opacity:100, Style:linear,
Angle:0, and Scale:100%.
Double click on graident bar. Left color:#2b2b2b, Right color:#191919 then press ok.

Step 11

Now we’re going to create multiple words. Select the type tool font: AvantGarde-Demi, Size:35px, Smooth, color:#4d1a1b, opacity50% and create the following words. Thought, Graphic, and Astonishing. Place words similar to image below.

Step 12

Select the vertical type tool(Hold down right click to see vertical option) font: AvantGarde-Demi, Size:20px, Smooth, color:#fff and create the word you.
Right click on the you layer>>blending options>>inner shadow. Blend mode:multiply, Opacity:75%, Angle:120, Distance:0, Choke:0, Size:5.
Then select color overlay and change color to #411718.

Step 13

Select the type tool font: AvantGarde-Demi, Size:35px, Smooth, color:#fff and create the word Control.
Right click on the you layer>>blending options>>inner shadow. Blend mode:multiply, Opacity:75%, Angle:120, Distance:0, Choke:0, Size:5. Then select color overlay and change color to #464242.

Step 14

Select the type tool font: AvantGarde-Demi, Size:35px, Smooth, color:#fff and create the word Your.
Right click on the you layer>>blending options>>inner shadow. Blend mode:multiply, Opacity:75%, Angle:120, Distance:0, Choke:0, Size:5. Then select color overlay and change color to #2d1010.

Step 15

Now import/drag brain image onto canvas.
Select the magic eraser tool and erase the black areas. It’s ok if there’s a little bit of black showing after use of magic eraser tool.
Now change layer from normal to darken. Should be located to the left of the layer opacity option. Then change the layer opacity to 50%.
brain blend

Step 16

Now this is an extra step. If you’re satisfied with the top results then you’re done but if you would like to do this last step then lets do it. First thing first, group all of the typography words into one group then right click on folder to merge group. Select the eraser tool but use some fancy brushes to erase. I think I may have used grudge paint brushes.
Then group all rectangle layers into one group and right click on group folder to merge group. Now select the same brush tool you have used and erase some of the edges. After you have done that you should have a simple but nice typography wallpaper.