Saturday, May 1, 2010

How to Draw a Watch in Photoshop

How to Draw a Watch in Photoshop

Final Product What You'll Be Creating
You might be surprised how many people use Photoshop to mockup their industrial designs. In fact, Photoshop is a very popular tool among fashion and jewelry designers. In today’s tutorial we will use layer styles and shading to produce a really nice rendering of an analog watch in Photoshop. 

Step 1

First you need to setup some kind of blueprint that you can use as a design guide to draw on. Here we have a simple blueprint of the clock’s shape which is ready for drawing on the layers above. This blueprint was created using basic shapes with the path tool in Adobe Illustrator and can be downloaded with the source files for this tutorial.
Once you have created your blueprint, then you need to open Photoshop and set the canvas size. After that, just drag the vector shape from Illustrator to the Photoshop canvas. Right Click on the vector layer and rasterize it. Hit the number 5 on your keyboard to set opacity of the layer on 50% and that’s it, you have got your template set.

Step 2

Now start rendering layer by layer, from bottom to top. You need to make new layers for every element, so remember that new layer command is Ctrl + Shift + N, name your layer so you can find them later; as there will be quite a few layers by the time you are done.

Step 3

Create a new layer named "side", select the Pen tool or hit the P on your keyboard. With pen tool click the anchor point and draw the path. After that, click on the Path Selection Tool (A) and right Click on the just formed path and select Make Selection.

Step 4

Click on the Brush Tool (B), select a white color in color palette and paint the selection in white. (Ctrl – D) to remove selection, hit (F7) on keyboard to bring up the layer window and Click on Lock Transparent Pixels button on top of layer window. Select Gradient Tool (G), dark grey in color palette and make gradients on top and bottom sides of the painted area. Duplicate Side Layer and flip it vertically, drag it down to align with the blue print. Use the same technique to create other elements in this illustration.

Step 5

Click on the Ellipse tool or hit (Shift + U), draw a white circle over the blueprint, select Gradient tool (G), dark grey and drag the gradient from the bottom, to get a look similar to the circle below.

Step 6

Using the Ellipse Tool (Shift+U) and the Gradient tool (G), draw circles in white, add grey gradient from the bottom up and from the top to bottom to get the illusion of depth. The middle circle should be solid black. For each of these circles apply Outer Glow, go to Layer > Layer Style > Outer Glow to get a smooth white ring and a more metallic look. Playing with Gradients is something you should do in this phase.

Step 7

Hit (F7) on your keyboard, select Guide layer and drag it to the top of layer list. So you could see what details you should draw. Lock the layer and make new layer above it (Ctrl + Shift + N), name it "screws". Now you should draw 8 screws around the clock body. This will be done by making one and then by duplicating and rotating around the clock body.

Step 8

Select the Pen tool or hit (P) on your keyboard. Then select the path with Direct Selection Tool (A), Right Click the path, Make Selection. Select Brush tool (B) and select a dark grey from color palette and color the selection. Then using black on the edges to give it some depth. That should look like the picture below.

Step 9

Select Screw layer, press (Ctrl + N) to make new layer above and name it "screwtop". Select the Ellipse tool (Shift + U), white color from palette and draw a circle for the screw. Then apply gradient from bottom up, with a dark grey color. Make one smaller circle above with the same steps and go to Edit > Transform > Vertical. Above this small circle draw the hexagon in a dark grey color and apply inner shadow layer style ( Layer > Layer Style > Inner Shadow ). Voila, you got a screw.

Step 10

Press (Ctrl + R) to bring up the ruler, Click on the black solid circle to select it, make sure that Auto Select Layer and Show Transform Controls are enabled in options of selection tool. Click on the horizontal ruler and drag out a guide line to center of circle, do same for the vertical guide line. Now you have the center for rotation of screws.

Step 11

Click on the Move tool or (V), while holding Shift key Click on all elements of the screw (shade, two circles and hexagon), now go to Layer > New > Group from Layers, enter the name for the group. Hit (F7) to bring up the Layer window and duplicate group 7 times. So you have 8 layers of screw groups. Select one group and drag the center of rotation (small cross in center of the group) to the center of clock, where to guide lines cross each other. Now holding the (Shift) key rotate the group. Do this for all groups until they are rotated all around the clock body.

Step 12

After duplicating and rotating around the clock body, you will have to fix the bottom three screws, to flip circles vertically because of shadows, and to paint the background with the darker grey so it matches the body ring’s shade.

Step 13

Now you are going to draw the band of the watch. Press (F7) to bring up the Layer window and select the background layer on the bottom, make new layer by pressing (Ctrl + Shit + N), name the new layer "bracelet". Select Pen tool (P) and draw the path of the one bracelet parts, point by point. Then use Direct Selection Tool (A) and Right Click on the new path, from the menu select Make Selection. Use brush tool (B) and select white color from the color palette, then paint selection in white. Use gradient tool with dark grey color selected and make some gradients as shown on the picture below.

Step 14

Use the brush tool (B) and select a white color from the color palette, then paint the selection in white. Use the gradient tool with a dark grey color selected to make some gradients as shown on the picture below.

Step 15

Bring up Layer window (F7) and select bracelet window. Press Ctrl-Click on the Layer thumbnail to make selection from layer shape. Go to Select > Modify > Contract and enter 3 px in input field, Click ok.

Step 16

(Ctrl+C) to copy selection, (Ctrl + V) to paste it in a new layer. Lock the transparent pixels and with Gradient tool (G) add more shades, so your bracelet looks like the picture below.

Step 17

Bring up the Layer window with (F7) and name the new layer bracelet-top, select both Layers (Ctrl-Click) and go to Layer > New > Group From Layers, name the group braceletop-part, and duplicate group three times (Right mouse Click on Group Layer and Click Duplicate Group).

Step 18

Now one by one group and drag to the position according the blueprint guide layer. Then select all three groups, duplicate it and go to Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical to mirror it vertically. Now you should have your bracelets finished.

Step 19

In this step you will make a button for setting time on watch. Bring up the Layer window (F7), select the background layer, (Ctrl + Shit + N) for new Layer, set the name of layer "button" and select Pen tool (P), draw the path of the button. Use Direct Selection Tool (A), Right Click on path, Make Selection and use Brush (B) to paint the selection in white. Then use Gradient tool (G) and dark grey color to set gradients on top and bottom of the button, so it looks bit more three dimensional.

Step 20

You will continue working on the button a bit longer. Select the button layer, (Ctrl-Click) on the layer Thumbnail to make selection of layer, now click on the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and make sure that it is setup for Subtract from selection, delete the left side. Now select Gradient tool (G) and with the dark grey color make a small gradient from right to left.

Step 21

(Ctrl + Shift + N) to make a new layer for shade, Gradient tool (G), select dark grey color and make small gradient dragging from left to right.

Step 22

Now it’s time to start working on the inner side of the clock. Bring up Layers window pressing (F7) select the Guide layer and make it visible. It should be above all other layers. (Ctrl + Shift + N) to make new layer, name it "circle". With Ellipse tool (Shift + U) draw white circle on the bottom and with Gradient tool (G) and dark grey color make shades top darker and bottom brighter. On the top of that make New Layer and draw solid black circle. Open up Layers window (F7), holding down Ctrl-Click on the circle layer and one above (solid black circle) and go to Layers > New > Group From Layers, name it Chrono. In Layer window, Right Click on Chrono and duplicate Group two times. Drag it to positions as on the picture below.

Step 23

Now you will make time marks for every hour. (Ctrl + Shift + N) to make new layer and name it "triangle", then select Polygon Tool (Shift + U) on the top menu for Polygon Tool options, put number 3 in input field. Draw the triangle on the top of the clock ring where should be number 12. Duplicate Triangle layer for 11 times, so you got 12 triangles on the same spot one above other.

Step 24

All you have to do now is to select each triangle one by one and to rotate it for 30 degrees. As 360 degrees is full circle so, you need to divide that in 12 and you got 30. Select triangle with Move Tool (M), go to Edit > Transform > Rotate, now you got to set the center of rotation to the center of the clock, hold Alt and drag the circle with cross from center of triangle to center of the watch, enter 30 in degrees input field. Selected triangle will be rotated for 30 degrees. Follow this step for all triangles, adding 30 for every triangle (30, 60, 90, 120, etc). After that you should have triangles all around the clock.

Step 25

Ctrl + Shift + N, make New Layer and name it rectangle, select Rectangle Tool (Shift + U) and draw black rectangle same height as triangle. Go to Edit > Transform > Rotate and rotate it for 15 degrees. Then duplicate this layer for 11 times, so you’ve got 12 rectangles one above the other and do the same steps as in the Step 24, with 30 degrees rotation for each rectangle. That will give you 12 rectangles around the clock ring. Bring up Layer window with F7 and select all rectangle and triangle layers, Right Click and Convert to Smart Object, another Right Click and rasterize. This made one object from all circles and triangles.

Step 26

Bring up Layer window with (F7) by holding down Ctrl, select all triangle layers and all rectangle layers, Right Click and Convert to Smart Object, another Right Click and rasterize. This made one object from all circles and triangles. Go to Layer > Layer Style > Outer Glow and sett parameters as on the picture below. This will give the marks more depth and a 3D look as they are embossed in metal.

Step 27

Select marks Layer and duplicate it, go to Edit > Transform > Scale, and scale down to the size of small rings. Duplicate it 2 more times and drag to positions as on the picture. (F7) to bring up the Layer window and select the small marks duplicated layers, Right Click on one by one and Clear Layer Style in Right Click pop-up menu.

Step 28

Download this brushed metal texture and select Elliptical Marquee Tool (M) to select the circle area. (Ctrl + C) go back to our watch file and (F7) to bring up Layer window, select top layer on list and (Ctrl + V) to paste the texture. Go to Edit > Transform > Scale and scale it down bit smaller than small black circles for chrono. Duplicate the texture layer three times and drag the circle with texture to positions.

Step 29

(Ctrl + Shift + N) to make a new Layer and name it "ring", and set it fill to 0%.

Step 30

Select the ring Layer, go to Layer > Layer Style > Stroke, and set the properties as shown on the window below. Then duplicate the ring layer two times, and drag the red circle rings to the positions of the other two chrono circles.

Step 31

(F7), make new Layer called numbers, use Type Tool (T), type red colored numbers like on the picture and drag it on positions. Set the Layer Blending Mode to Multiply.

Step 32

Make new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N) and name it mantissa. We will make three of them for three small circles. Using pen tool (P) draw the shape of the one mantissa, use Direct Select Tool (A) Right Click the path and select Fill Path > Ok. Now draw small circle with Ellipse Tool (Shift + U) and select these two object and combine it to Smart Object > Rasterize. Make New Layer and with Ellipse Tool draw small dark circle over the mantissa.

Step 33

Select mantissa, and hit (F7) to open Layer window, select the mantissa layer, (Ctrl-Click) on layer thumbnail to make selection, use Rectangle Marquee Tool (M) with Subtract From Selection option checked and erase half selection. Use Gradient Tool (G) with bright grey color and make small gradient, almost one pixel. So now you got some edge on the middle of the mantissa. Go to Edit > Transform > Rotate, and rotate mantissa for some degree. Duplicate this mantissa layer two times and drag those to positions. Left one, you should select and go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontally in order to get realistic shadows.

Step 34

We will now make some rings around chrono circles to get some depth. Open Layer window (F7), select chrono metal ring and make New Layer beneath it. Select Ellipse Tool (Shift+U) and draw few pixels larger, white colored circle. (F7), select layer of the circle, Lock Transparent Pixels and select Gradient Tool (G), dark grey color to transparent and make some shades from the bottom up. Add some white gradients in the middle for more metallic look. Duplicate layer two times and set them to position.

Step 35

Use the brushed metal circle texture again, crop the circle and paste it to the clock file over the black circle of the clock background. Use Edit > Transform > Scale, to scale down to the size of black circle. (F7) to select the Layer and set opacity to 45%. Layer > Layer Style > Inner shadow and set the parameters as on the picture below. Then do the same steps for the setup of Outer Glow.

Step 36

Use Type Tool with white Font color to add some numbers as below. Right Click on the number layer and Rasterize it. Then while the Layer is selected Lock Transparent Pixels (on the top of the Layer Window) and with the Gradient Tool (G) make some gradient on number for more realistic look. While selected, go to Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow and set up small shadow.

Step 37

Process of making big mantiss for hours, minutes and seconds is same as for small ones. So draw it with Pen Tool (P), with Direct Tool (A) Right Click on the Path, Make Selection, paint it with Brush Tool (B), with Rectangle Marquee Tool (M) deselect half of mantiss, use Gradient Tool (G) with dark gray to transparent to add some shade. (Ctrl + D) to deselect all, go to Layer > Layer Style, Drop Shadow. Go to Layer > Layer Style > Inner Glow. That’s the process. Draw small white circle with Ellipse Tool (Shift + U) and add small bright grey gradient from top. You got mantiss done.

Step 38

Duplicate mantiss layer, (F7) bring up Layer window and Right Click on duplicate mantiss, select Copy Layer Style, then do the same but select Clear Layer Style. Select Rectangle Marquee Tool (M) and select top 2/3 of top on mantiss. (Ctrl+X) to Cut and (Ctrl + V) to paste the part, drag it a bit down to make shorter look mantiss. Select those two parts and in Layer Window (F7) Right click and Convert to Smart Object, again Right Click and Rasterize. Go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontaly. Go again to Edit > Transform > Rotate, (Alt + drag) the center of rotation and rotate the mantiss for some degree. Open Layer Window (F7), select the mantiss layer, Right Click on it, Paste Layer Style.

Step 39

With Pen tool (P) and Ellipse Tool Draw (Shift + U) draw the seconds mantiss in red color. Open Layer Window, Right Click the mantiss layer, and select Paste Layer Style, go to Layer>Layer Style> Inner Glow and turn it off. You don’t need it on seconds mantis it’s too thin.

Step 40

Make new Layer (Ctrl + Shift+N), name it "glass", draw white circle with Ellipse Tool (Shift+U), and with Gradient Tool (G) set to Radial add some grey shade in center.

Step 41

In Layer Window, set Layer Fill to 0%. And go to Layer > Layer Style > Inner Glow. Then while you are still in the same window, check the Satin too, and setup as on pictures.

Step 42

Make New Layer and add some reflection for glass. Make new Layer in back of clock, with Pen Tool (P) draw path around the clock and fill the selection with black color. (Ctrl + D) to deselect all. Go to Effects > Blur > Motion Blur and set parameter of blur to 20. Hit the 5 on keyboard to set Opacity to 50%.

Step 43

(Ctrl + Shit + N), make the new Layer, name it dark, and select Gradient Tool (G), with black to transparent, make one gradient on bottom of the composition and one on the top. So you hide the ends of watch bracelet. Go to background layer and go to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast, and make background layer more darker, so the clock design could pop up. In Layer Window, drag the guide layer down one place above background, then go to Edit > Transform > Scale, scale up u bit, and hit 3 on keyboard to set transparency to 30%. It gives presentation a bit technical look.


That’s about it. I hope you have learned some interesting tips in this tutorial. You could use this technique to make a template for further designs. Thanks for your time. Cheers!